Hi. My name is Mike McCutcheon. I have been a Bitcoin researcher and enthusiast since 2021. Throughout my working career I have been interested in investing and finance, and really started delving into topics relating to money and the economy in 2001. Having noticed a staggering decline in the purchasing power of the dollar since the mid 1970’s I, like other workers, investors and people interested in finance, started exploring the reasons why this was happening. I knew surely there must be a reason why employee wages and salaries (including mine) were noticeably decreasing in their effectiveness at purchasing goods, services and assets over time.

Once I learned how our monetary system works and the reason why prices are continually going up despite technological advances making things cheaper and easier to produce, I began looking for an alternative to dollars to save my work and life energy into. Something that could not steal my purchasing power like the government was by continually printing more money.

Unfortunately, the economic climate and income level that I was operating at through the first 25 years of my working career didn’t afford me access to traditional assets like land or real estate as a means of storing my work energy. Back then, it was all about just working to pay bills and keeping a roof over mine and eventually my family’s heads, without much left over every month to acquire assets or accumulate down payments on property. Also, through much of that time, there just simply didn’t seem to exist an asset that could be acquired in small pieces that I saw as a reliable store of value. Even precious metals were just out of my reach, and not really practical for me to acquire, hold, and move around the country with.

Through my interest in computing, information technology, cryptography, and finance that began in the early 90’s, I first took note of the 2009 advent of Bitcoin by about 2015. At first, I dismissed this new electronic peer to peer cash system as a fad, and struggled to understand how a purely electronic form of money could ever have any underlying value. As I continued to dive down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, I came to understand that Bitcoin actually represents the single best asymmetrical upside potential of any asset or investment in existence today, with the benefits of portability, divisibility, inconfiscatability, and the ability to acquire it in small portions over time. Then the question simply became “how do I acquire some Bitcoin and safely store it?”. The contents of this website, and the information I share with others in person and online is the result of the answers I have found to that question. It is an ever changing landscape that requires continual updating of skills and knowledge.

Lakeland Bitcoin provides face to face and online Bitcoin education, acquisition, self custody, security, inheritance, and point of sale resources for businesses, institutions and individual investors in the Lakeland Area of Alberta. I hope you can benefit from my research, knowledge and expertise to begin your Bitcoin journey, and learn how to stand on your own two feet to operate in this space on your own. My consulting is aimed at getting people there, and helping them overcome some of the technical and knowledge hurdles they will encounter along the way.

I suggest that you take the time to really delve into the many resources that I’ve provided on this site, designed to help educate you on this amazing asset: how to acquire it, how to protect it, how to receive Bitcoin payments for your goods and services, and how to ensure that your wealth stored in Bitcoin can be securely transferred to your next of kin in the event that should ever be required.

Lakeland Bitcoin doesn’t provide any specific investment advice, but once you understand the technology and the value proposition that this monetary technology represents, my goal is to assist you in doing it right.

With national currencies being heavily devalued and people’s purchasing power being rapidly diminished through inflation of the money supply by governments worldwide, there’s never been a better time to start learning about an unconfiscatable, portable asset that doesn’t steal your time, money, and energy like government issued currency. Bitcoin is superior savings technology.

Fix the money, fix the world!

Disclaimer: The information on this website does not constitute investment advice. I seek only to provide information and assist investors in learning more about Bitcoin, so that they can make an informed decision about purchasing and holding this asset. It should be understood that Bitcoin is subject to high price volatility over the short term, and should be approached as a long term (in my opinion minimum 8-10 year) savings and investment vehicle. If you have any doubts about your ability to withstand large “swings” in Bitcoin’s dollar denominated value, or your ability to safely protect, maintain strict privacy of- and not lose the 12-24 word seed phrase that grants you ownership and access to your Bitcoin on the network, I’d recommend choosing other more traditional assets to invest in. Owning Bitcoin gives you the power to become your own bank. With this power comes the responsibility of protecting your keys and not using leverage (borrowing) to purchase Bitcoin to an extent that it would leave you in an unfavourable financial position should the dollar denominated value of the asset decrease.

“Bitcoin delivers Property Rights, Freedom, and Sovereignty, that are separate from the physical and political realm, to Humanity.” - Michael Saylor, CEO, Microstrategy