Why Bitcoin?

Every government-issued money, and every human being that works for it to feed their family, is suffering from reduced purchasing power because governments and central banks are printing an ever increasing number of dollars “out of thin air” that the rest of us have to work for. As more money is issued, the individual value of every dollar is diluted and spread across the new existing total number of units. This is the definition of inflation. It is inflation of the money supply.

Most people have been conditioned to believe that rising prices are simply a result of things naturally becoming more expensive over time for no apparent reason. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, due to revolutions in technology, the cost of production of most goods has significantly fallen over the past 100 years. So why are most goods so much more expensive than they were only a handful of years ago? Why is it that a household now requires two incomes to stay afloat, when only a short time ago, a worker with one steady income could buy a house and a car and meet all of their family’s financial needs without a credit card or taking on huge amounts of consumer debt?

The primary reason that things are, on average, up to 600% more expensive than they were in the 70’s when Canada and the US abandoned gold as a 1:1 “backer” of every dollar printed, is that governments and central banks have been paying for programs, government salaries, and waging endless wars with money that is printed “at will” with no immediate consequences to their continued operation. The problem is that, as the money supply is inflated, the people that rely on it to purchase the goods and services they need, have to spend more and more of it to get the same amount of products or services in return. Through endless money printing, governments are free to spend whatever they want, all while continuing to tax their citizens at an ever increasing rate with no consequences to cover it.

The problem with having the ability to print money out of thin air is that it takes away the consequences of spending money unnecessarily. Government leaders can now continue to operate their various departments and wage war endlessly, for any reason they deem necessary, without affecting their ability to pay themselves. The problem is, someone has to pay.

It’s you and me.

The people, who are taxed at an ever increasing rate to “cover” this money printing, and who see their purchasing power shrink unless they have the means to invest at a rate of return that is greater than the rate of currency debasement, are being slowly stolen from. Even highly paid professionals are now are faced with the prospect of seeing their savings rapidly shrink if they simply leave them in the bank. When the money supply is being inflated at a rate that decreases the value of each dollar by 6-12% each year (lately), peoples’ 0.1% interest savings account at their bank doesn’t stand a chance. And when the government faces a real crisis, or simply doesn’t like what someone posts on social media, they can simply freeze the individual’s account or take the money they have in the bank outright.

After the 2008 global financial crisis, in which millions of citizens lost their entire life savings and retirement pension incomes due to their trust in pension funds and banks who had invested in “doomed to fail” mortgages written by banks who knew their customers couldn’t pay, the government issued trillions of dollars in bailouts to keep the major banks solvent. Guess who picked up the tab? Every tax paying citizen for the next five generations.

In response to the wholesale looting of wealth from every man, woman and child on the planet by their governments, big banks and the central banks, and as a way to fight back and provide people with a type of money that could not be stolen, inflated away or diluted, some of the early pioneers of cryptography began working on a project to create a form of online digital money that could be held by anyone with a computer or smart phone and an internet connection, not be inflated in it’s supply, and could not be stolen. This was the invention of Bitcoin.

When you save your wealth in- and take personal custody of Bitcoin instead of saving your money in government issued dollars, you are saving in an asset that has a fixed supply that cannot be inflated or have it’s value diluted through endless money printing. The Bitcoin algorithm will only permit 21 million Bitcoin to ever be produced. And every Bitcoin is divisible into 100 million pieces called Satoshis or “Sats”, so there’s lots to go around. All one has to do in order to start saving in Sats, is to open an account on an exchange and buy it, or find someone who wishes to sell it person to person.

We are here to show you how to do it, how to safely and securely store your Sats, and how to make sure your loved ones get your Bitcoin when you are gone.

This image was inscribed in the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain by it's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.